More Inspirational Stories to Wrap Up DCS Enterprise Week

Pavilion Garden Centre entrepreneur and past pupil Charlie O’Leary visited us later in Enterprise week to tell us his fascinating story. Charlie truly epitomises the characteristics of an entrepreneur as he told the lads how dyslexia didn’t stop him from realising his dreams!

Following some time spent working in the Hamptons in New York, he saw a niche market for high end horticulture here in Cork, and the Pavilion Garden Centre was born. Charlie told us how he feared for his business when lockdown was announced to his website crashing from demand a few days later! His message to the boys was to work hard and adapt to change. In Charlie’s words “The tree that bends and changes will survive, the tree that is rigid, won’t”

Our final guest speaker was Careen Wolfe from Studio Wolfe, now a household name in Cork. Careens’ passion, enthusiasm and work ethic was an inspiration to our business students. Careen took the students on her entrepreneurial journey from the early days where she posted flyers through hundreds of houses in Cork and waited to see if the phone would ring!! Now, Studio Wolfe is a very successful enterprise where over 1400 students are taught every week.

We would like to thank all our entrepreneurs for giving of their precious time and visiting us here at DCS. It was a breath of fresh air to see the business syllabus in action!

The stories inspired our 1st year students to write their own Entrepreneurial story, with winners receiving an Easter egg. 🐣


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