One of the Best Equipped
Schools in Ireland.
Science Rooms
3 dedicated and fully equipped physics, chemistry and biology laboratories stocked with an abundance of scientific resources…..a hub of activity.
Practical Studies Rooms
Impressive Engineering, construction and technology rooms well equipped with the latest technology for hands on learning.
Bright and spacious library, looking out onto our courtyard area, the perfect setting to relax with a book.
Courtyard Area
A beautiful courtyard where 1st years can play table tennis, swing ball and connect 4 at lunchtime. A great way to unwind and have a bit of fun in a “No Phone Zone”.
Prayer Room.
Dedicated room to sit and reflect.
Student Support Hub
A space dedicated to tuition.
Art Room and DCG Room
Bright and modern rooms with plenty of space to nurture creativity.
Computer Rooms
3 state of the art computer rooms, 1 room fitted out with CAD.
Multi-purpose sports hall.
Newly furnished and infamous gym, reopened this year after Hurricane Ophelia blew its roof off.
Two basketball/tennis courts.
Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.
Three all-weather playing pitches.
Two grass playing fields.
Virtual Tour