School Tours & Trips.
School Trips
School trips also add to and complement the curriculum in many subjects. Over the years, there have been many enjoyable field trips - Newgrange for Art, Craggaunowen for History and Myrtleville for Geography. Science classes often visit FOTA Wildlife Park while the Business class have visited the Hollies Centre for Sustainability in Enniskeane. These are just a very small sample of our co-curricular trips.
The DCS German and French student exchanges are another great opportunity to immerse students in the local culture.
Ski Tours
Each year we offer transition year students the opportunity to go on a ski trip. It offers the students a unique opportunity to learn to ski, experience the local culture while building essential life skills. We have visited numerous countries over the years from Andorra to Poland. The ski trip is extremely popular among students with it often being cited as the best experience of their school life.
Soccer Tours
Soccer tours are hugely popular in the school with trips to Madrid to witness 'Los Blancos' in action where fittingly, Ronaldo scored a hat trick! While the soccer game was undoubtedly the highlight our students got to take in an extensive tour of this wonderful City. Barcelona and the famous Camp Nou was another recent highlight, while Old Trafford and The Ethiad have also been toured. Football and culture a perfect mix!
Some Highlights