Study Skills Workshops For Exam Years

Supergeneration will be delivering a two and half hour study skills workshop tomorrow, Friday, to all 6th Years entitled  Learning and Study Skills for Senior Cycle Students. Next Monday the focus will turn to 3rd Years with a workshop entitled  Learning and Study Skills for Junior Cycle

During these workshops students will learn about accelerated learning, growth mindset and resilience. They will learn how to organise and plan their study as well as how to create effective notes, both linear and mind maps. Effective note taking using POKER, other simple note-making activities, flash cards and memory pages will be explored while the importance of regular revision will be highlighted.  

The workshops are provided free of charge by DCS! Not to be missed. ๐Ÿ“š


DCS Parentsโ€™ Association Date for the Diary ๐Ÿ“”


Invaluable Study Skills Workshop